***Warning*** I am mentioning the word pain which may seem odd on a hypnobirthing website. But those who have done my course will know that I do things differently 😉 There is a misconception that hypnobirthing is all about a “pain-free birth”. It’s...
I have been meaning to write this blog for a while but every time I sit down to do it I just get too infuriated to think. However, as usual, I have been inspired by one of my beautiful, empowered clients to take a deep breath and share my thoughts....
Part of the deal when you do a Hypnobirthing Australia™ Course is on going contact with your practitioner until your birth. This is because at Hypnobirthing Australia™ we recognise that circumstances can change or that sometimes you might need a pep talk. I really...
At Hypnobirthing Australiaâ„¢ we recommend starting a course between 20 and 33 weeks, but is it ever too late for hypnobirthing? Is there any point doing a Hypnobirthing Australiaâ„¢ later than this? Yes! A lovely first time mumma contacted me at 38 weeks because she had...
I get lots and lots of referrals from the Family Birth Centre here in Perth because the midwives there really get the Hypnobirthing Australiaâ„¢ method. As this first time mums says, she didn’t even need to produce her birth plan. Continuity of care with your own...
It might surprise you to know that many midwives choose to attend Hypnobirthing Australiaâ„¢ classes for their births. I have taught many midwives and also nurses and doctors. Are you wondering what they can possibly learn that they didn’t already know? A Lot!...