I get lots and lots of referrals from the Family Birth Centre here in Perth because the midwives there really get the Hypnobirthing Australia™ method.

As this first time mums says, she didn’t even need to produce her birth plan.

Continuity of care with your own midwife has many benefits as reported in the 2016 Cochrane Review (Midwife-led continuity models of care compared with other models of care for women during pregnancy, birth and early parenting ).

These include:

Benefits for Women

A woman who receives care from a known midwife is more likely to:

  • have a normal birth
  • have a more positive experience of labour and birth
  • be satisfied with her maternity care
  • successfully breastfeed her baby

Benefits for Babies

A baby whose mother received care from a known midwife is more likely to:

  • be born at term
  • be born healthy


When you add  a Hypnobirthing Australia™ course to this model of care you are really winning 🙂

Because just as awesome as your midwife will be, she can’t birth for you.

That’s you job and you need to make sure you have the knowledge, tools and confidence to do your job to the best for your ability.


“Hi Pip,

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to write this email. S and I wanted to thank you for what you do and also to let you know that Aisling (pronounced ash ling) arrived on 12/11/17 9 days over guess date.
Family Birth Centre Perth
I never thought I’d say this but I’m not traumatised from the experience haha.
It was absolutely perfect and was everything I wanted.
I’m so happy about my experience.
I got my water birth, genuinely never even thought about taking pain relief I just zoned out and let my inner primal woman take over….and oh my god did she!!
I did lose it once or twice when S was not immediately there to do my hip squeezes haha but I reined myself back in.
W at the Family Birth Centre (whom I believe was a midwife for one of your own births) was amazing and I didn’t even need to produce my birth plan.
She was exceptional.
Intact perineum also ?.
Aisling was a healthy 3590g and is just perfection.
 We are loving our new role as patents.
I cannot recommend you enough to anyone who will listen to me.
Please keep on enlightening parents to be ?

Love C, S and Aisling.”

Family Birth Centre Perth