Birth Stories
Letting go of fear for a beautiful birth.
Hi Pip, We hope you’re well. We just wanted to send you a little update and thank you again for all of your advise and information in the lead-up to our birth. I had my final 39-week scan booked...
My midwife said until the second stage it was difficult to tell I was even in labour.
I hear over and over again that care providers don't realise that my clients are in active labour because they are so calm. Hi Pip! I wanted to let you know I had a wonderful birth and tell you all...
Hypnobirthing at the Family Birth Centre.
I love Jemima's wonderful honesty with her story. Birth is a bit messy and body fluids are involved. But women's bodies are amazing and "I did it" moment is what it is all about. "Hi Pip!...
My Intervention-free VBAC
This email was such a joy to receive. VBACs can be so beautiful and healing with the right mindset and the right support. Have a read... Hi Pip, Joe and I just wanted to send you an...
Sometimes you have to stand up for the birth you want!
Logan Wilder was born 17/02/22 at 9.29 pm at 3.1kg and 50cm long. A natural birth at 40 weeks and 6 days with a 4-hour labour and birth!!! Waters broke at 5.30 pm, surges started at 6 pm. Got to the...
Successful 2VBAC
What a story, beautifully written by Deb, Deb really wanted to share it to empower other mums to stick to there guns and get the birth they want. I am particularly happy for her husband. I never...
Mum over 35 yr has Awesome First Birth!
So despite one OB telling her all the risks for a 'geriatric mum', early in her pregnancy, Brooke went on to have an awesome first birth. If anyone is telling you you have to be induced because you...
Healing Birth Trauma with Hypnobirthing Australia™
There has been a lot in the media about birth trauma recently. Researchers are now saying that up to one in three Australian women have experienced birth trauma and one in 10 women emerge from...
Healing VBA2C with Hypnobirthing Australia™
I can't tell you how excited I was to get this message: Hi Pip Just wanted to let you know cam and I had a beautiful little girl yesterday morning at 7.14am. I achieved my vba2c at KEMH, the...